
Destiny 2

I got out of the shower this morning and spied a tiny frog hopping across my floor. I trapped it under a plastic cup then finished drying off. After dressing I dumped some nails out of an old peanut butter jar and washed it out. I then went outside and dug up a divot of dirt and grass and put it in the bottom of the jar. After I put the frog in I was able to get a good look at it. It was a very pale green/brown with two parallel black stripes going down its back. From the tip of its face to the end of its toes it was about 6 or 7 millimeters long; almost too small, it seemed, to have a working brain capable of any conscious experience.

I brought it into work with me and showed a few people. I told Kathy the catering coordinator that I had a new pet and asked her if she would be offended if I named it Destiny II after her beloved Himalayan cat. She was very busy and therefore unimpressed. I left my car in the city lot with the jar securely strapped back under the seat belt. I left the windows open a crack and went and delivered a couple of catering orders. When I got back to my car a couple of hours later I was suddenly overcome with fear of the finding the frog dead. I didn't look until I got home. Thankfully, it was still alive, but I had trouble coaxing it out of the jar, so I left it upside-down in the front yard. Later, after a long nap, I went out and found it empty. It was late afternoon and everything looked especially vivid in the sunlight. I took a walk down the dirt road a ways then came home, enjoyed a cup of Kroger brand instant coffee and listened to "Eyes Open," the new Snow Patrol record. Eat your heart out, Meek Journal.


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